Tax Day

With The Federal Tax Deadline lurking just a few weeks away, this would be a good time to remind you of some important dates.

First off, the deadline to file your Federal Income Tax return is a bit different this year. Because the normal day to file, usually April 15th, falls on a Washington D.C. observed holiday called Emancipation Day the deadline to file needs to be moved. Federal offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday so the deadline day to file this year is Monday, April 18th. Which is the next business day.

Unlike last year when the deadline to file was extended by the IRS to May 17th, no such extension exists(as of now) for this year. As an individual taxpayer, you can submit an extension to file your return but payment will need to be submitted with the extension and postmarked no later than 11:59 PM on the 18th this year to avoid penalty. The extension to file makes the new deadline to file October 15th.

United States Military

According to the IRS, certain rules apply to members of the U.S. Military in regard to filing deadlines.

Generally speaking, if you are serving in a military combat zone during the typical day to file taxes you are offered an exception and given 180 days after you leave the designated combat zone to pay and file taxes. Please see those Special Rules here for members of the military.

We are here to help

If you need help with this year’s taxes please take a look at our services and use our planning calendar to schedule an appointment.


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